Hinweis zum Eisenbahntransport von Sinbosen-Audiogeräten
Unternehmens Nachrichten

Hinweis zum Eisenbahntransport von Sinbosen-Audiogeräten

: 4548
: 2022-02-28 18:42:35
Dear customers,
Recently, I believe many clients have been concerned about Ukraine and Russia. There are also a lot of customers ask whether it will affect the delivery of power amplifier, microphone and other products. In this regard, Sinbosen would like to express to you that there is no need to worry, because the trans-Siberian Railway of Sinbosen transporting goods passes through the area not negotiated by the two countries, so the goods are in normal transportation condition and will arrive at your hand as scheduled. In case of any abnormality in railway transportation, we will immediately inform Sinbosen's customers and provide corresponding solutions. Customers who have purchased Sinbosen goods, or the goods are already in transit, can safely wait for the arrival of your beloved amplifier, microphone, speakers, etc... And if you want to buy Sinbosen products, but concerns about transportation problem, please do not hesitate to rest assured purchase, we will fully guarantee the safety of the goods and have enough response!


Finally, hopefully everything will be fine!

Yours sincerely,
Sinbosen team

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